Please do not use "post comments" to ask for camera help and advice.
Use phone, Skype IM or eMail.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Strike one van.

Sorry I've not been active for a couple of weeks. I've had a bad chest, ear, nose and throat infection which put a whole new meaning to getting your cents worth.

On top of that, last Thursday night a Roe Deer helped me total the van which means that I'm going to have to function without transport for at least a couple of months; as I just don't have the cash resources to go out and get an instant replacement.

I managed to avoid the deer but hit a very big wall on the opposite side of the road. It doesn't look that bad in the picture but it wrecked the wheel and tyre and crumpled the chassis, plus there's damage to the body further back. The wall didn't move!

I'm having to re-assess how and what surveying I'll be doing over the winter. Corrimony and Dundreggan
will have to wait until early next year and meanwhile, I'll be working mainly in the forest to the west of Guisachan which is shown below.

As well as Red Squirrels, I'll be looking for Wildcat using low glow infra red cameras on the remote animal trails in the area.

This is an area of well over 600 hectares, much of which is dense plantation and relatively remote; so I expect to be working in there for a long time.

Sunday 11 September 2011

Olympus Digital f2.8 50-200mm Telephoto Lens for sale


Circumstances are forcing me to part with this lens which I really do not want to sell.

It is a four thirds fit, 100mm to 400mm equivalent to the old 35mm format with a maximum aperture of f2.8 and f3.5 at full telephoto.

It's in good used condition, gives excellent results and is available for sale on eBay

If you want to ask me anything about this lens please feel free to get in touch by eMail, phone or Skype

Saturday 10 September 2011

Save our Badgers

All the available scientific evidence suggests that plans to shoot badgers will do very little to prevent the spread of bovine TB in cattle, is not a long term solution and may well make the situation worse.
Find out more by visiting The Badger Trust and Save Me
You can also explore other options to our currently outdated practices by visiting Rethink Bovine TB and Bovine TB


Friday 9 September 2011

Trail Camera Special Offers

I've made arrangements with Wildlife and Countryside Services to offer you some of their product range at special discounts. Their normal prices are very competitive anyway and this puts a bit of icing on the cake.

Items include the Ltl Acorn trail camera range,  the ProStalk PC 2000 trail camera, Kepler, Visionary Wetland and Prophecy binoculars, Ciel bat detectors plus Zoom and Roland digital recorders.

Over the next few days I'll be launching a new trail camera page with lots more information, user manuals to download and Ltl Acorn reviews.

Special offer products pages.
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This web site is about the wildlife, particularly the mammals, of the Glen Affric National Nature Reserve area in the north west Highlands of Scotland, UK; and the equipment I use to search for them, which is chiefly trail cameras.

I provide a technical support and parts service for the Ltl Acorn range of cameras and the income from this provides for the upkeep of this site and the purchase of cameras for my own surveying.

I hope you find the site useful and informative; and please contact me if you have any questions that I haven't already covered.