Please do not use "post comments" to ask for camera help and advice.
Use phone, Skype IM or eMail.

Friday 28 June 2013

Ltl Acorn 5210 "Please re-upgrade" message problem

5210 Please re-upgrade message

If an Acorn 5210 camera is upgraded with the wrong firmware you will get the screen message shown on the left, asking you to re-upgrade. 

Post Update 04.10.13:
I've now discovered that there is a firmware update (v3.09A and v3.09M) for the 5210A and the 5210MG which cures the "Please re-upgrade" problem and also appears to enable the 5210 cameras to work with a 32GB SD card.
I need to verify this.

I have copies of this firmware but I'm not making it available to download because some users seem compelled to use the latest firmware for any or no reason at all, which can cause problems.

If you think you have a need for this firmware version please contact me and you must provide the camera model, serial number and existing firmware version. Once I've established if you really need it I will send you a copy.

It is important to note that the latest firmware does not provide additional menu functions but is released to cure problems and if you don't have the problem you won't gain anything and may possibly run into compatibility issue; so you use the firmware at your own risk.

Post Update 15.07.13:
Trying to use a 32GB card will also cause this message although the camera may appear OK when the card is first inserted.

Loading the right firmware for the camera model or inserting an SD card size no larger than 16GB will correct this and the camera will then work normally.

Recently a number of users have contacted me
to say that after a period of normal operation the camera is showing this message when no attempt has been made to update the camera's firmware.

Users are also saying that when they attempt to load the correct firmware the screen is still showing the same message.

I have made Acorn aware of the issue and so far they are insisting that it's caused by users attempting to load the wrong firmware.  See post update 04.10.13 above.

If you have the same problem try the following:

Do not use a 32GB SDHC card in the 5210.

1) Remove the camera backpack.

2) Remove the batteries and SD card and leave the camera without power for at least 24 hours.

3) Download the correct copy of V3.06 (V3.06A for the 5210A and V3.06M for the 5210M) firmware from my download page and save file FW5210A.bin onto the root of the SD card.

4) After 24 hours reload the camera batteries but do not switch to ON

5) Insert the SD card then hold down the OK button while you switch the camera to TEST. Keep the OK button pressed until you see a screen message confirming the update.

6) If none of the above cures the problem check for SDHC card compatibility by trying a Sandisk 4GB SDHC card.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Dundreggan Biodiversity Discovery Day

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Dundreggan Biodiversity Discovery Day

Sunday 14th July 2013

Dear friend,
I am delighted to invite you to Trees for Life’s Biodiversity Day at Dundreggan, near Loch Ness. 2013 marks the fifth anniversary of our purchase of Dundreggan, and to

Saturday 1 June 2013

6210 Upgrade News and new Model 5310 announcement

Ltl Acorn 6210MGX 940nm
In this post:
6210MG Upgrade news
New Model 5310 Wide Angle Camera

I had originally intended to write this post two weeks ago but got tied up with testing a camera for a commercial application which swallowed up a whole week. Afterwards I was away for a week and simply didn't have time to gather and collate all the information.

This last week I have been playing catch up with emails, forum posts and checking my own cameras. I think I am just about up to date now and my apologies to anyone I have kept waiting.

6210MG Upgrade news

At the end of last week I received more information from Acorn regarding their progress with the update of the 6210MG and their battle to get the SMS Remote Control function working.

1. GPRS function perfected (SIM900 module) and now supports SSL;

2. Current cameras do not support 3G, which is still in R&D stage;

3. The interference problem which I wrote about here is corrected;

4. The "SMS remote control" function is now working OK but is in turn causing an interference problem with the
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This web site is about the wildlife, particularly the mammals, of the Glen Affric National Nature Reserve area in the north west Highlands of Scotland, UK; and the equipment I use to search for them, which is chiefly trail cameras.

I provide a technical support and parts service for the Ltl Acorn range of cameras and the income from this provides for the upkeep of this site and the purchase of cameras for my own surveying.

I hope you find the site useful and informative; and please contact me if you have any questions that I haven't already covered.