Fig 1: Ltl Acorn 6210MMX and 5210A
Trail Cameras |
Latest Page Update: 02.05.2016
Troubleshooting Guide at bottom of page.
Like all cameras of this type, the Ltl Acorn models do have their issues and I answer a large number of emails requesting help. Some problems are just mistakes with menu settings, others are issues with memory cards and some are camera faults.
This post is an attempt to collate and illustrate potential problems which, in most cases, can be corrected by users if they have the right information.
Some issues may require some analysis by the user, but most often a simple procedure or a firmware update will correct the problem.
I hope this post will help you keep your camera running without costly returns and time spent trying to explain problems.
If you have a camera problem which is not answered below please email, Skype or phone.
Do not use the post comments to ask for advice.
Real or Fake (cloned) Ltl Acorn (Firmware upgrade issues):
Before I go into specific issues, one thing which is very important is to determine that you have a genuine