This post deals with a problem which occasionally occurs with all models of Ltl Acorn cameras and probably with many other makes of trail camera. It is caused by dirty switch contacts and symptomised by a blank control panel screen when the camera is switched to TEST.
Fig 2: Dismantled OFF/ON/TEST switch |
that instance the blank screen is preceded by the normal splash screen.
You can prove the faulty switch by watching the LED array on the camera front while you move the switch to the TEST position. If the red indicator LED gives thirteen steady flashes and then stops this tells you that the camera is actually in the ON mode even though the switch's toggle is physically in the TEST position. There will also be no splash screen.
Fig 3: Outside view of the OFF/ON/TEST switch Ltl Acorn 6310 |
Remove the batteries before you start the treatment described below.
Fig 4: Internal view of the OFF/ON/TEST switch Ltl Acorn 6310 |
If you happen to have the camera removed from its case then it's an easy matter to give a light spray through the slots in the side of the switch case as shown in figure 4; but it isn't normally necessary and in almost all instances spraying from the outside will be sufficient.
Fig 5: Caig Deoxit D5 |
Search for Caig Deoxit D5 on eBay or Amazon and read more about it here.
Depending on how much you use your camera I would recommend a maintenance spray every two or three months.
Not only will it extend the life of the switch but it will also help to prevent the switch from freezing up in sub zero conditions.
And of course it's good for any other devices with electrical contacts and well worth the money.
No I'm not on a commission.