The eagerly awaited review of the EM3
Bat Detector Reviews: Review: EM3 From Wildlife Acoustics Part 1 Of 3:
Review: The EM3 From Wildlife Acoustics (Part 1 Of 3) - Some preliminary thoughts, and first impressions -Well, it's finally here! The long-anticipated, new Echo Meter 3 from Wildlife Acoustics, Inc. is now available! I must state, first and foremost: That this new bat detector is revolutionary. It is the first hand-held, ultrasonic detector to feature a (live) sonogram display!
I envision this feature being very welcomed by experienced hobbyists and Bat Workers/Researchers.
Besides being unprecedented, technologically advanced and scientifically useful -
Bat Detector Reviews: Review: EM3 From Wildlife Acoustics Part 1 Of 3: