Argyll News: Greens hold Labour to account on snaring
"Snaring is a cruel and indiscriminate substitute for proper rural estate management, and both Labour and the SNP have struggled to free themselves from the influence of the snaring mafia."To forcibly suspend an animals liberty, hours if not days before suffering and death is not just cruel and indiscriminate, it is also morally wrong; and judging by comments like
"och aye we can go back to gassing them or what about reintroducing mixie ?"it's obvious to me that some people just don't have a proper understanding of how the natural balance can work if allowed. Assuming the reference is to Rabbits, they are better preyed on by Foxes, Badgers, Stoats, Pine marten et.c. An easy solution which keeps Rabbit populations in check, diverts the attention of predators away from game and domestic stock and allows a healthier biodiversity to be appreciated by those who are bright enough to enjoy it.
I'm disgusted by Politicians who haven't got the balls to stand up for something which is morally right. And what on earth have wind turbines got to do with animal cruelty and suffering.
If the Greens get MSP’s elected we will have wind turbines mostly standing still all over our beautiful countryside in Scotland.This comment was obviously made by someone who never uses electricity in a world running out of traditional fuel sources. Another NIMBY!!!