The FC are starting to release information about their joint plans with SNH for longer term Red Squirrel conservation in Scotland.
Key issues are Grey Squirrel control, Red Squirrel stronghold sites, wider habitat management and habitat effects from planning and development.
Information is a bit sketchy at present so we'll see how it develops. Stronghold areas, as I understand it, will primarily consist of small seeded conifers and, in my opinion, will need to contain a much wider age range and fragmentation of species such as Scots Pine, Larch, Norway Spruce and even Sitka than is currently practised, if it is to be successful.
The issue of larger seeded species attracting Greys is a potential problem as species such as Hazel are a natural part of a Red Squirrel's diet and its habitat.
The issue of larger seeded species attracting Greys is a potential problem as species such as Hazel are a natural part of a Red Squirrel's diet and its habitat.